Monday, May 3, 2010

losing my father......?

I still have not been able to believe that I will not see my father again- its been three years when we all saw him off on his final journey, but even now, I find him all around me- this is a comforting feeling, but not real- I know it, but dont know what to do about it.
I can hear him telling me what to do when I am confused.... I can sense his displeasure when I do something he never liked.
I find him often helping us out of problems- guiding us when its time to take a call.
I went fishing the other day; and while three times I could feel the tug at the bait at the end of my fishing line, I could catch no fish. I could hear him telling me that this is how it has to be- the three fish had been waiting for me to come by and feed them, though my intention was different, my karma willed otherwise.
When our driver ran away with over Rs 10000 in debt he owed us, I was so much at peace because he seemed to find out and tell me that is was a karmic debt paid off finally- I felt lighter, better, releived.
So tell me- how can I believe that I do not have my father around?


Beena said...

Your thoughts touched my heart so deeply that it brought tears in my eyes, Dolly. I loved the way you expressed your feelings so beautifully. I must say,I connected with it instantly.
I am sure your father is watching and blessing you wherever he is!!


thank you anjali. dads are the bestest. love them as much as you can.